Wednesday, January 25, 2006


These are the lyrics for a song I wrote a year or two ago, when I moved back to the city. I think they describe the state of the world quite accurately.

Terrible things
are going to happen to you
if you try think for yourself.
Don't you know dragons wait to
ravage your mind
and leave you naked and blind
in an uncertain world?

And while the scientists say they can organise
the world we see,
the religious folks grapple with the fear of things
they think they have to believe.

And if you just want to know,
without a doubt in your mind,
what on earth we're all doing here?
In this particular place, and this particular time
what is this mind
that we were born to recieve?
-almost supernaturally.
And who are we to believe
in our connection to divinity?

The sons and daughters of Man
Natures' wonderchild stands up tall.

I can't believe that Google has agreed to censor results in China. The Chinese government now has the ideal propaganda platform. Take a look at DeMonet's post for a very revealing comparison.


Blogger Steve said...

That is a really good poem...and, this is hard for me to expresss...but, in my own way, I am trying to examine "the mind" and see what it is made of. But the only thing I see is words.

DeMonet is an interesting writer, btw...what do you think of his post about "constraints"? What side - do you think - is he taking on this issue? It is difficult to tell. It seems he is building a case for constraints, but then knocks it down at the very end of his post...I guess that is just his style of writing...but, then, I don't quite understand his main point.

5:17 PM  
Blogger Gaelin said...

The really interesting exploration begins when the words are silenced!

Demonet is a good friend of mine, his mind works on a very abstracted level. The post you mention is a bit obscure, but the essential idea is that once you accept a constaint, and stop pushing blindly against it, you are better equipped to understand why that constraint is there, and so better equipped to work with it in a more conscious and constructive way. This way constraints can be shifted.

5:44 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

It makes me think of a flow. And a constraint will change the force and direction of a flow.

6:49 PM  
Blogger Gaelin said...

Absolutely :)

7:48 PM  
Blogger Shonin said...

Hi gaelin,

I like it. It's about not accepting other people's 'facts' and beliefs about reality and confronting it in all its glory and unfolding mystery.

Maybe the iambic pentameter is a bit out though :)

I just wrote something about consciousness on my blog.

5:05 PM  
Blogger Gaelin said...

Thanks Justin. In it's original form it's a witty little ditty sung to whimsical guitar, which may account for the iambic pentameter being out! :)

Sometimes you just gotta laugh...

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi love your blog. I came across it while looking for magic dream. I know its not an exact match but thanks for the read. I'll get on with my search for magic dream stuff and visit again sometime. take care.

9:06 PM  

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