Friday, September 22, 2006

Human energy fundamentals #1

There is no such thing as 'bad' energy.

We perceive reality mainly through our sense organs. Things around us transmit/reflect waves of energy, which we translate into sight and sound. Our sight depends on our interpretation of visual wavelengths entering our eyes. Our hearing depends on our ability to receive and interpret sound waves through our ears. Our sense organs send the input to our brains, which then processes the data and gives continuous feedback to the cognitive functions.

When we speak of working with the human energy field, we are referring to a range of vibrations that are not usually sensed with the sense organs. Generally these vibrations are interpreted emotionally. They can also be experienced as physical sensations in the body, depending on how much attention one is focusing on the input.

We are equipped to deal with a wide range of inputs within this range of frequencies. Some vibes make us comfortable, others make us uncomfortable. Most of us classify the comfortable vibes as 'good' and the uncomfortable ones as 'bad'. This judgement is based on how the incoming vibration makes us feel, which in turn is based on our capacity to process these vibrations.

There is no such thing as 'bad' energy. It is our reaction to the energy that determines how we classify it, and therefore we have created the distinction. Often times this works in our favor. A vibe that makes us uncomfortable may just be the fore-runner of an action that harms us. This mental classification has evolved along with our other survival mechanisms.

The danger with this classification comes when we begin working with the deeper levels of the human energy dynamic. We all experience suffering. We all have a range of emotions that make us feel bad. And this invariably stimulates the survival 'fight-or-flight' response. Often we experience an uncomfortable emotion and we instantly run from it or fight it off. In doing so we have failed to process our experience. This unprocessed experience sits as a 'block' in the personal energy dynamic. It hampers flow and therefore hampers spiritual growth.

When working with the human energy dynamic, the facilitator has to be aware that the distinction between 'good' and 'bad' energy is a function of the physical survival programming within the brain, and as such has no concrete reality outside of our perception of it. By understanding this one is free to work with a range of vibrations, and therefore more able to facilitate change.


Blogger rama said...

Hi Gaelin

Thanks for your message.

Your query reg. thinking:

One has to realise for oneself the futility and negative outcomes of mere thinking. Of course one derives satisfaction and illumination from thinking. But one has to cross this stage for oneself.

I too was a compulsive "thinker". But then I realised that there was something else, such as "feeling" and "intuition". And of course the stilling of thought and observation of thoughts and feelings through meditation.

Repitition of the name - could be a means to still the mind and its ceaseless thinking.

Listening to music, singing could also be a means.

Reading sacred texts, without thinking, but merely registering without question whatever one reads - could be another means.

The mind, and thinking, have to be subservient to one's higher ends!



7:01 AM  
Blogger Gaelin said...

thanks rama

As much as intellect serves a purpose, it can also get in the way sometimes! Still mind is like a balm for the soul. I don't achieve it often but when I do then all my fragmented selves come back together and I breathe a sigh of relief :)

I try to remember that thought is a tool, and as such should be put down when not in active, functional service.

Your words are reminding me once again.

namaste :)

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautifully written Gaelin.

It is a truly remarkable universe which awaits discovery once we overcome the blind buffeting of our survival reflexes and are able to explore the infinite reality which permeates us and those around us.

10:30 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

I feel like I am in a chrysalis...

4:16 PM  

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