home sweet home
Following on from Justin's example, I've decided to post pictures of the area where I live. I love the idea of catching a glimpse of the real life that fuels the blogsphere...
Hope you'll post yours soon too :)

Our village as seen from the beach ;)

Our house from the outside (yeah, you can't see much...that's my old Ford Meteor parked outside...)

View from our front door...

Our back door opens onto a balcony (we call it 'the deck' :)

And just down the road we have the beautiful Scarborough beach...
One of our regular baboon visitors. He was kicked out of the local troup, and now roams the neighbourhood, ransacking dustbins. Quite alright as long as he doessn't get into the house (which he does, regularly) Sometimes a whole posse of them come down from the mountain and sit on our roof, they like to forage in our fruit trees, and steal from our kitchens...
Hope you'll post yours soon too :)

Our village as seen from the beach ;)

Our house from the outside (yeah, you can't see much...that's my old Ford Meteor parked outside...)

View from our front door...

Our back door opens onto a balcony (we call it 'the deck' :)

And just down the road we have the beautiful Scarborough beach...

Hullo! I remembered you while reading another blog, http://brihans.blogspot.com This lady is from S Africa, now living in Australia. Though she left SA, SA hasn't left her! And she helps one to feel what SA is (in the most positive sense).
I also mentioned your blog to her.
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Thanks for the link rama, what a beautiful poem! I often think about what life would be like in a '1st world' country, but I know it will never be anything like as revitalizing as living in Africa :)
You have so much beauty around you to look at, since you moved to that house. My house is just a place in a small city...not much to photograph. But I love seeing your photographs! :)
wow...you really do have an awesome view....amazing...I always did like your view...LOL...as for that baboon...OH MY GOD!!! LOL...and my husband bitches about all the stray cats, can't even begin to imagine what you got wandering thru your yard...lol..that is so definately bizarre...hope your having a good week, tho, now, it's almost the weekend...take care, and talk to ya later..
:)Just me
Aw guys! Let me see your (supposedly;) mundane environment! To place you in some kind of physical context!
I've lived in some real dumps in the past, Cape Town inner city is not for the faint hearted.... even a 'boring' pic of your front door is exciting to me :)
Wow! Nice! Your mundane life seems much less mundane than mine! I suppose that's to be expected - but I'm still not entirely convinced ;) I don't remember seeing baboons in Cape Town - although I did see penguins near there. Our animal visitors are limited to birds, cats (our garden must look like one big litter tray right now), and lots of invertebrates.
We live right on the edge of the Cape Point Nature Reserve, so our houses are constantly raided my marouding baboons. It'a actually quite sad. Dogs get killed regularly, and of course so do baboons. A lot of people are fed up with having their kitchens ranscacked, and they shoot on sight. As you can imagine this gets everyone elses back up, and the debate rages furiously. What we really need is more space! These poor animals are being pushed out of territories that have belonged to them for thousands of years.
Hi Rama, I am here after you recommended to me that I come over for a visit....got me all home sick thank you very much :)
Hello Gaelin, 'home sweet home'...Lovely photo's, thx for sharing.
Awesome pics! I'd never imagined how powerful the "physical context" thing would be! I'll see if I can put up some pics of my dump - uh, I mean house...
As for your remark about the "1st world," what do you mean? If you mean, first world as in Western Europe or America, I would say come for as visit, but there are TONS of reasons why the so-called 1st world is nothing. All the money and political influence and yada-yada-yada of the West can't come close to what I'm seeing in these pics.
And you have BABOONS! How cool is that?!
Yeah, Africa rocks :)!
Scruff, by '1st world' I envisage a land where the government officials don't embezzle, the education infrastucture is sound, and healthcare is generally taken care of. Not to mention good roads, 24 hour shopping, and banks that don't rip off the general public. I'm probably romanticising the whole thing, considering that I've never set foot off this continent! And I also know that even with all the benefits of western civilisation, if spirit is lacking then I don't want to be there ;)
After giving it much thought:
Government officials will always embezzle, because that's what government officials do. Ever heard the story of the frog and the scorpion?
A few countries in the world do have sound educational systems. The American system is sound, although not without serious problems. I recommend private school for all Americans, as the government-funded schools are pretty much just a bunch of babysitters.
Healthcare is "taken care of" in Canada and the UK, but I've heard that you get what you pay for where health care is concerned. Can't really go on too much about this issue, as I've always just been a pay-your-own-way kinda guy.
We do have 24-hour shopping, though (mostly). That's why I'm always broke.
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