I finished my painting! This is a snapshot I took of it last night, I haven't trimmed it or anything, so I hope you can make it out. I was stuck for a while, that always happens to me. I start painting with some much confidence, then the closer I get to finishing it the more finicky I get, the more anal I get...until I remember that I'm supposed to let it all hang out if I want to make real art, so then I finish with a flash of spontaneous inspiration. Gotta love the process...
Wow! that is cool.
Now, the following is just my interpretation...but like you 'let it all hang out' when you painted it...so am I. I am just letting you know what I feel and sense when I see it...even if it is not representative of how you actually feel.
You can still see some of the symbolism. While the red at the chakras are faint; but they are still visible.
Why did you decide to paint your body blue? Since I can still see "inside" (e.g., the chakras), the blue looks like a protective coating of some type. Perhaps armor. Or like your flesh is cold...or solid...rather than moist and warm and pink.
The blue color of the body changes the entire context for me. The red color just outside the body no longer looks like anger anymore. It looks like warmth instead. Almost like you are no longer "against" what is on the "outside"...even though the pain is still there 'underneath' the coating...and that you still bleed. The outside, by contrast, is more vibrant...like maybe you want to peel off the protective coating and bathe in the warmth of friendship...but for some reason, you don't...like you still don't feel safe to reveal it all.
The horns are still pronounced...but does the blue border down your spine also symbolize your "duality" in any way? In your own terms, what exactly is your duality? I am just wondering...
Hi Steve, I like your new profile image :)
Hmmm, i think you're right about blue being protective, as if it's one step away from human feeling. And yes, I don't feel safe at all when it comes to other people...
The horns are still symbolic of my status in the world. On the surface I am pretty acceptable but underneath...well, let's just say that most people don't want to go there, and it's probably better that way!
When it comes to duality, the split is between what I show on the outside versus what goes on on the inside. That's universal I think, we all have our secret selves who dare not venture into public. The split between my higher self and my everyday reality.
I appreciate the questions. Art is all about communication, so by your comments you are validating and sustaining the art process. Thank you :)
It is my pleasure to talk to you about your art. I am so glad that you want to talk about it.
do you also sometimes use an italian isp? just wondering...because whenever you visit my website...I sometimes see both.
We connect to the internet via a satelite in our back yard, and it links up to a company in Romania, who then shuttle us through Italy... a strange arrangement, but that's South Africa for you :)
I am glad that I know that now. It was kind of a mystery.
Hey, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in America...do you celebrate it in South Africa too?
Probably not...
Anyway, Thanksgiving is always a great time!
Enjoy you Thanksgiving Day Steve! Lotrs of good stuff to eat! So, what are you most thankful for?
Yes... I am stuffed! :+)
I am most thankful for my family...
I have been married to my wife for 13 years...she has a lot of strengths that I do not have. And she puts up with me...
plus, she is a beautiful woman. I love to look at her everyday.
I just want to love her more passionately than I do...I really need another honeymoon with her...I just want to share myself with her, like your blog says "inside out"...but we are two completely different people...and both of us know that...and she doesn't share many of my interests, so it is sometimes hard for me to find a way to express myself in a way that she can understand the real me...but I am working on it.
My boys are both excellent people...
sensitive, smart, athletic...really good kids. I tell them both everyday that I love them...which is something I didn't hear from my dad.
I am thankful just to be alive. Just to see the sunshine outside. I want to live each day more passionately...emotion comes and goes, but passion lasts and lasts.
I am thankful for my friends...
I am thankful that I once had person in my life that I would call a soulmate...but I believe that more than one person can be your soulmate. And I am looking forward this coming year...what will it hold for me?
There is a lot to be thankful for. How about you? What are you thankful for?
I am also thankful for being alive. I know that can be a cliche, but really and truely I think it's the most amazing thing. All the complex wonder of life; the questions and understandings and sufferings and joys. Hair and big toes and wind and food and sound...
I know some people who are not alive anymore, and this keeps me very aware of what it means to be here, experiencing all this.
What happened with your soulmate? You've mentioned it before. You can reach me at
gaelin@terrans.co.za if you are in the mood for a bit of story telling :)
I will... :+)
If you haven't read this though, then take just a few seconds...because it is how I felt one year after we parted ways...and it really tells you the way I that feel about her now.
My boys each have hockey today...then I think I am going to post on my blog some important things I have learned about myself this week...and I am going to include something that you wrote to me...I think I am going to entitle it "The closing of the book..." but it is really just the beginning. Look for it tomorrow. :+) It is going to take a lot of work for me to write.
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