Monday, November 14, 2005

The underlying flavour of the day is something that seems to change at whim, no choice of mine. I walk the same path, pass the same things on the way, but depending on the flavour, everything is different. The flowers I passed yesterday made me smile, today they make me frown. How can I know what flavour I will wake up to? Some days are so pleasing, full, rich, satifying. And then... well then the next day comes and the glamour is gone, like a cheap magic trick, yesterday's jewels so many plastic baubles winking in the sun.

And somewhere beyond all these ups and downs I glimpse the Idyll, the purely objective reality which I flavour with my emotions. I wrote a song once which went like this

What is this?
Desire so hard, unsatisfied,
heart wrenching bliss,
all the highs of the holy coaster ride

I play with pain in a million ways
to satisfy my need for the feelings
feeling good becomes a matter of love and hate
while all the give and take of emotion
is making me dizzy

- Once this whole file-sharing thing becomes easier to navigate, I'll put my music up here on my blog. Doesn't sound the same without the tune...

Needless to say, my quest for the Real real continues.


Blogger Steve said...

I like that...

"yesterday's jewels so many plastic baubles winking in the sun."

I knew that you played an instrument...but I didn't know that you wrote your own songs...and recorded them! That is really cool!

"I play with pain in a million ways
to satisfy my need for the feelings."

Each day, you know, is supposed to be different. Do you think that the "Real real" you are searching for is sameness?

Let's just say that the "Real real" is Love. Is Love ever the same? Isn't Love about difference? Okay, so I am a Romantic.

I wrote this earlier today to a friend that was greiving:

"I know that Love can silence the fear, guilt, pain, anger and loneiness...of your heart. Love is even a better medicine than laughter: the only thing in the Universe powerful enough to make such a difference in our lives.

Love does the miraculous: like turning our weaknesses into strengths; fiction into truth; darkness into light; dreams into reality. There is nothing that is MORE REAL than Love."

Sappy, aren't I? :+) But, I look forward to hearing your music sometime. How is the painting going?

4:59 AM  
Blogger Gaelin said...

My quest for the Real real is the quest for Samahdi, the state of mind where all is clear and I am not swayed like a tree in the wind. The state of mind where I am the wind, and the tree, and the sky...

Although I've had it with all the shmaltzy spiritual yada yada's who talk the talk but that's all they do...(lol)

Love? Ahhh, love. Yes, it is Big real, but not the Real real, not the crystal clear. I am blessed by having a wonderful wonderful love in my life. So now I can turn my attention to other things...(wicked grin)

btw, the painting is awaiting detail on the hands (I'm dreading it) and then it is done! I have a space on my wall all ready for it...

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I have a habbit of chopping up peoples blogs. My favorite statement in this one is:
"I play with pain in a million ways
to satisfy my need for the feelings."
*shivers* Love it.
I have read yuor blog before but I can't remember if I ever commented on anything. If I didn't I am sorry, because rereading your posts makes me want to repost more thoughts in my blog...

11:50 AM  
Blogger Kirsten said...

Ah yes...the REAL real...hey gaelin, when you figure that one out, let me I know if anyone can find will be you...great progress on the painting btw....Will keep checkin...I went to update my blog, ya know, the whole SUPERSOAP weekend thingy, and I lost the frickin post...will try again this weekend...I have fieldtrips w/ the kids the rest of this week..woohoo..anyway..have a great day

4:53 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

I wish I could give it another try.. but the situation is somewhat unique in that there was never really a relationship to speak of..
Basically, I loved her for months before anything ever happened. I never thought it would. In all that time I built up this dream in my head of how she was my perfect, ideal woman... and then, by a strange stroke of timing, we became involved. Not two days after this, however, she broke it off, due to still being in love with her ex.
So having tasted the dream coming true, only to have it disappear just as quickly, has allowed me to continue imagining her as this perfect, unreal person, now that she's out of my life. So the dreams continue, without reality to knock them down.
I certainly hope my dreamself will lay off once I force myself to get over it...

9:37 PM  
Blogger Steve said...


That is a tough one!

But she isn't the person now, that she was then...time changes everyone...and, like you said, she may never have really even been like the person you dreamt she was in the first place.

Just tell yourself that you were happy that she was THAT person to you...and then move on...

3:57 AM  

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