faeries in the garden...

My friend and neighbour hosted her daughter's 5th birthday party over the weekend. As a tribute to the little princess, she dressed in her daughter's favourite style - as a faerie.
I took this shot as she stood chatting with another mom. The cactus lined up perfectly beneath her, and then I went to work in photoshop...
the holy cactus has a guardian angel :)
What a beautiful mind!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cactus flower! :-) rama
A faerie wearing one of my favourite colours caught in a terrific photo. WOW! I'm impressed. I sure hope she visits my garden soon so we can dance and fly together. ;)
thanks for your comment on my blog. how did you find me? lovely blog, by the way. so sweet, what you did with photoshop to create the cactus fairy picture. take care
that is cute!
Hi 'poet', I found your blog while meandering through comment links...I think I was at 'stumptown dreaming' and your name popped up :)
Thank you everyone for your lovely words. I am so excited with being able to share my art with people from all over the world. It all of a sudden takes on a whole new dimension.
love to you all,
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