I think this is a really apt comment. It probably isn't my place to bitch about the Bush administration, seeing as I'm not a US citizen, but this sort of mentality was rife in South Africa during the apartheid years so I know how damaging it is.
I really wouldn't want to be Bush right now. He's looking very uncomfortable these days, and who can blame him? It must be incredibly difficult being the president of the current world superpower. In the eyes of the world he can't do anything right...
What's even more worrying is America's move towards religious conservatism. Here in the 3rd world we usually follow the US trends like geeky younger siblings following a way cool big brother. Hopefully in this case we will retain our senses...
thank you. I've also been where you are right now, and I am so glad that I can help even a little bit :)
Everyone has the right to bitch. Sometimes it is good to hear someone's view outside the US...since all we get is the view of the US media.
Amen to that!
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