I'm 27 years old, so it's not surprising that I'm still confused about a number of things. Con-fused, a lot of different notions of mine are con-fused.
Self-worth is really difficult for me to evaluate. I always have the 'should' imperative in the back of my mind. I 'should' be doing more with my time, I should clean the house better, I 'should' make more money, I 'should' be thinner, I 'should' be nicer. I find it so difficult to reach that space in my head where I am free of this imperative.
I think that's why I smoke grass, because it helps me to let go all the obligations that I feel towards the rest of the world, and even towards myself. But then I am largely ineffective.
I feel stuck at the moment. I want to go forward, but I also want to stand still. I want to grow in my spiritual practice, but I also want the instant highs of playing with maya. I love to sit zazen, but to get my ass on a cushion is almost impossible. It's like I am working against my self. This is what's so confusing. How can I want one thing, and do something else? Who is this that wants and doesn't want and con-fuses?
I need to sit. I need to sit and sit and sit until I am completely quite, and then the bubble pops and there is no 'I'. Then 'I' am everything, EVERYTHING.
Until I think a thought, the one where I comment to myself how cool it is to be feeling something so incredible. Then the mind is back in action and I'm holding a conversation with myself and I am me again.
The first time I experienced 'satori' or 'awakening' I just cried and cried and cried. I was in a small zendo, and there were only a handful of us sitting.
Since then it' s almost like I'm avoiding sitting.
What am I afraid of?
I think I'm afraid of never experiencing satori again, and having to accept that it was all just a bad joke.
That's how I feel about Christianity. I am still so sore about the way Christianity turned out to not have the answers for me. I put so much of myself into loving God and being good. I think I'm afraid to move forward with my zazen practice, cos I'm afraid of feeling spiritually established again. But on the other hand, beginners' mind is good. The 'I don't know what i thought I knew' mind is open to growth and expansion.
I don't know!